Negative value for object style position
When placing a frame in the bleed area (-3mm), inDesign won't allow me to set the position of an image frame to -3mm, it has to be a positive value. Meaning I have to position image frames on the left-hand page manually, rendering the feature useless on the left hand page of each spread... If you can set the value to a negative amount in the regular coordinates palette why wouldn't this be mirrored in the styles?

Josh Haijer commented
After so many years, this is still a problem - it makes working with OBJECT STYLES for objects outside the working area impossible. I don't think this is a complicated thing to change. Now I have to manually change the position of all the background images in my 200 page document. Otherwise it would be so easy....
Steve Laskevitch commented
InDesign is not Canva. We need to consider Bleed. As Klaas commented, it would be nice if that were a choice with Page Edge and Margin Edge. Short of that, negative values will do. Then we can think of having this feature have a "relative to spine" option...
[Deleted User] commented
This is such an obvious problem I almost want to call it a bug, not a feature request.
Christo Boshoff commented
How is this not a thing!?
Anonymous commented
Having the same problem now, so feature request is usefull
Klaas commented
This would be very helpful for aligning boxes to the bleed.
Even better would be to add the bleed box to the dropdown so we can allign the boxes 0mm fromt the bleed box corner.