Split Columns doesn't work correctly yet
If I use the option "Split column" all the paragraphs at the bottom of the page aren't splitted, the option doesn't work correctly (1.png), except when the text boxes are closed manually (2.png), as you can see from the attached files.
I don't understand the utility of not splitting two columns at the bottom of the page when this property is selected in the options.

Vladan commented
As I have already wrote in: https://indesign.uservoice.com/forums/601180-adobe-indesign-bugs/suggestions/38987725-split-column-doesn-t-work-correctly
.... this option doesn't works good even in Id 2019. When text splited is at the bottom of the page the split to columns is lost and to fix that you must manually close the box of the text on each page ...The text splitted into columns should maintain this feature wherever its position is on the page, so even if it is at the bottom of the page
With regards
Vladan Saveljic