Save gradient swatch angles to object style
It would be nice to be able to save angles that you draw with the gradient swatch tool to the object style. I find it strange that we can save gradient feathers at any angle, but not gradient swatch tool angles.

Scott Falkner | ACP commented
Another needed feature for gradients is some control over how the gradient aligns with text. Currently the gradient is pinned to the text frame. If the text changes position or size the gradient stays the same. It’s like the text is a window showing the gradient applied to the text frame. Adjusting the text adjusts the window, leaving the gradient alone. The workaround is to highlight the text, convert to paths, then apply the gradient to the outlined type. It works, but it means you can’t use text styles or outlines. Why can’t you use outlines? Outlines applied to text converted to paths are not properly aligned to the inside/outside of inner paths (like the inside of an O or P). This is a bug.