command hot keys not working
Shift, option keys aren't working. Proportions won't constraint while holding the shift key and items won't duplicate while holding option key.

Leo commented
This basic functionality is FUNDAMENTAL. why change it after all these years?
Michael commented
I just went on a screenshare with the support team.
Apparently its one for the developers but I don't get why it's been taken away. It's one of the tools I use the most!
CK commented
same problem here with indesign cc2020, can't hold opt key to duplicate, can't com+shift to rescale object, shift key is simply not working
what is going on -
RY commented
I'm having this issue in Photoshop CC 2019 as well.
CA commented
Agreed. If there is a new way to do resize a grouping of objects so that the image scales as well, please let us know. Regarding other key commands, it was much more efficient being able to use the command + option + shift for the magnifying glass (zoom tool). I miss being able to use the spacebar for the hand tool. The whole configuration of key commands on the keyboard in CC2019 is not efficient. Is there a way to get back to old commands?