Make PDF Commenting Panel consistent and better designed
In one place in the panel, it's called Accept. In the flyout menu, it's called "Apply Auto Edit."
Why did we suddenly start calling the checkbox "Resolve"? I know that's the term that Acrobat uses, but it's confusing. Especially, when it's located alongside a word called "Accept." You're making users try to figure out new nomenclature when the old words worked just fine.
The icons on the left of the panel are way too subtle. In Acrobat, they are color coded. Replace text is blue. Strikethrough text is red. Sticky notes are yellow. Underlines are green. Why can't we have those same types of distinguishing colors in the PDF Comments pane.
They gray is WAY TOO subtle. Click don is white, hovered over is 11%, and all others are 5%. It's the same fusing hard to use UI of the comments pane in Acrobat.
Why did yo have to hide the checkmark (resolve) and trash can icons for all the comments except ones that are clicked on or hovered over? Why not just have them readily available. Again, this is copying the new Acrobat UI, which users hate.
The comments are a huge amount of wasted space, just like they are in Acrobat. If you really want to see how the panel should have been designed, take a look at DTP Tools Annotations plugin.
Comments are not sortable. Well, they sort, but only by page number.
IMO, this is still a beta feature and not ready for primetime. Especially disturbing is how it mimics the UI of Acrobat. It doesn't feel like InDesign. It takes up too much space, isn't full featured enough, and is difficult to use.

Tobias Wantzen commented
Totally agree with Kelly!
Evan commented
Totally agree with all of your points. Appreciate that the comment import feature was added, but the panel itself is horribly designed. I realize it mirrors the recent (dreadful) Acrobat redesign, but that's a very bad thing.
Everything in this panel looks huge and out-of-place compared to the rest of the indesign UI. Way too much gray—this panel needs some color in the icons. I also don't need to see the reviewer name 200 there a way to hide that?
Agree that it feels half-baked, and honestly I'm ok with that because it's better than nothing. Please just continue to bake it :)