Need much larger document size
The max 5468mm document size is very small and makes large posters, signage, wallpaper and murals very difficult to create in Adobe. To make things worse Acrobat will not export to 5468mm so this can cause more issue.
This has been an issue for years now and really as a professional standard program its not good enough.
Andy W commented
Large format print media is rarely set up at 1:1 scale. Billboards tend to be set up 1:10 at 300ppi so resolution at finished size is 30ppi. Window signage or street hoarding which you can stand closer to would be the highest of 1000ppi at 1:10 so finishes size resolution would be 100ppi but often you can get away with 700-800ppi finished size resolution being 70-80ppi as these often get printed on flatbed printers with a stochastic print dot pattern. File sizes can often be an issue with larger dimensioned files at higher resolutions too. I've worked in the design industry over 20 years and hardly ever found this an issue.