Full Screen and Split View do not work
Version of Adobe InDesign: 13.1
Steps to reproduce the issues: Click the green 'maximize' button to put the application into Fullscreen mode
Expected result: Application should enter standard MacOS fullscreen mode like other modern Mac apps do, compatible with switching Spaces and sharing screen with another app in Split View.
Actual result: Can not enter Full Screen, breaking multi-app workflow with Spaces or Split View.

Thanks for reporting the issue. We will review it shortly
-InDesign Team
Philip Byrne commented
Still waiting!
Mazz commented
How is this still under review???? Seems a simple fix. Come on InDesign.
K commented
We're never gonna get this bro.
Garim Lee commented
Still doesn't work for me!
It costs so much time for me navigating windows when i work with indesign cc and acrobat cc. -
SarahB commented
It's crucial to my workflow to view PDFs and InDesign at the same time. I would greatly appreciate this feature.
Isabel Fen commented
Recent convert to the Adobe suite. Totally unacceptable that the regular work flow doesn't function. This is costing me a lot of navigation time.
Jessica Dominguez commented
I recently switched to MacBook and I am incredibly disappointed in this issue. I used split screen regularly as a PC user and the fact that people have been complaining about this for over two years is ridiculous! Not having this feature completely ruins my ability to work while mobile on projects
Noah commented
Is this still not working???
For me, it seems it does not.
InDesign 2022 Version.
MacBook Air.If so: A lot of creatives use apple systems, this seems extremely ridiculous.
Myriam Lemire commented
Is the problem solved yet? Because it doesn't work for me either. Thanks!
Greg Spitzer commented
Not supporting a major workflow feature of the platform that has been around for quite some time seems crazy. Most any other Mac app supports this properly.
Bob commented
I use comments from PDFs to update work I do in InDesign. Split view on the Mac is the ideal scenario. Acrobat Pro DC allows split screen. InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop (CC 2019) do not. What's up with that??? Come on Adobe. You're better than that.