PageMaker 6.5 plug in
There should be an optional plug in for importing PageMaker files into newer (than CS6) versions.

Brad Fischer commented
It can't be THAT difficult to update the import filter to use in current version. CC2022 still has the ability to open old Quark 3/4 files, and that seemed important enough to update.. why not PageMaker??
Anonymous commented
PLEASE add a PM 6.5 plug-in. As much money as I have spent, and continue to spend, over the years on overpriced Adobe products, there should be a way to convert ALL Adobe PageMaker files to InDesign.
Ann Parkinson commented
Please provide a plug-in for InDesign to open Pagemaker files. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE provide support for PM6.5 files as an import option, or provide a conversion service
JJ Niemi commented
I am in the same situation. We recently acquired a new company and all of their working files are still in PageMaker. However, I have Adobe CC which does not support this file format. So how am i supposed to open these files??
Anonymous commented
I am in the same situation. With the upcoming Catalina upgrade on Mac, which will not support CS6, I will lose years of work.
Roland commented
As Adobe have now withdrawn InDesign CS6 there is no way to edit and update Pagemaker files. Having been a user for about 25 years, I have a portfolio of hundreds of client files which go back to pre InDesign days. Many of these are book publications that from time to time need to be edited and updated. Currently I have a backlog of more than thirty which need to be accessed for editing and republication. I am faced with hundreds of hours work to reset these jobs without a means to open .p65 and .pmd files.