make data merge possible from Google Sheet without being forced to make csv
I use DataMerge a lot and its really boring to be forced to export an update to csv when working in collaboration.
If we could use directly the source file Google Sheet we could improve our workflow (Easy Catalog does it !)

Raúl Mendoza commented
It is very difficult to work with dynamic content with clients without an option that allows us to update their changes instantly.
Roland Mol DTP Solutions commented
@jeiclaudio the solution for the absence of line breaks can be (sort of) solved in the following way: make a Text Style (“force line break”) that streches a character to 2000% (the maximum amount). In the Paragraph Style add a GREP style looking for any double or more spaces (\s{2,}) and assign the Text Style you just made. When you add a double space in the data base the spaces will strech beyond the frame edge on the right forcing the text after the spaces to ‘break’ to the next line. (If two spaces don’t do the job just add a few more spaces and it’ll work, I promise :) Oh and emojis can also be done with GREP styles using a dedicated ‘emoji’ font (not full color though).
Good luck! -
RYAN ADAMS commented
There needs to be a way to merge images from a Google sheet into an InDesign Template. Images collected in a Google Form are listed in the associated Google Sheet as a URL to the image file stored in Google Drive. It would be great if InDesign could use that link to merge the images into the template.
Christian Baral commented
Can be wonderful too with EXCEL or NUMBER files
jeicloudio commented
Let me add: please also support special characters, such as line breaks and emojis, which are currently not possible at all via Data Merge.
(See also: and )
Stefan FalkBoman commented
It would make collaboration super simple!
Jasfer commented
Hi! Is there any update on this? This makes InDesign much more powerful. Please Adobe make this happen! :)
Joe A (Sykres) commented
5 years later and Adobe still ignores this constant feature request. Stop paying for their ****** product, as they're clearly perfectly content to rest on their laurels and never do anything about it,.
Jonathan commented
This would be amazing! We print hundreds of labels for our coffee company using datamerge. Exporting CSVs from Google Sheets multiple times per day. If they could be directly tied together it would be a game changer!
Troy Ingram commented
This would be awesome.
Alejandro Montesdeoca Hernández commented
We're building automated reports, currently only using google sheets and exporting to XD, but we want to take reporting to a new level using InDesign to provide a designed format into our brand.
EBF commented
Yes, please!
Darren Collier commented
Yes, please!
Adam Zuidema commented
I wish I could vote this 1000 times, the ease that this would create across platforms for simple stuff like keeping a restaurant website menu version and a print menu version updated and in sync would become so simplified.
Worldshapers commented
Dave Manser commented
I'm slowly getting my client weaned off sending me file attachments. We need this, please make it happen, just one little URL filed is all, please :)
Wendy Routman commented
These days I'm collaborating more through the cloud with clients and coworkers. Lots -if not all- of them are already working with Google Sheets, specially now in these post-pandemic days, having this available will make my Adobe subscription even MORE justifiable. Please make this an option!
Anonymous commented
Considering how co-operative work across departments relies on constant data exchange, google sheets allow us to update information without exchanging excel files.
Being able to extract information directly from an online document would alleviate a lot of issues, including formatting issues (windows vs mac CSVs for example, or UTF-8 issues when dealing with special characters such as here in Germany.)
Yamil commented
please -
Matt commented
it would be a real game changer indeed