Data Merge support UTF-8 character set
I always have to convert UTF-8 text to UTF-16.

monokano commented
InDesign’s data merge feature has a critical bug where UTF-16 surrogate pair characters are missing. The best solution to this issue is for the data merge to support UTF-8, which does not have surrogate pair characters.
InDesignのデータ結合には、UTF-16のサロゲートペア文字が欠落するという重大なバグがあります。この問題に対する最善の解決策は、サロゲートペアが存在しないUTF-8をデータ結合がサポートすることです。 -
monokano commented
@Roland Mol DTP Solutions
You need to clearly distinguish between a coded character set and an encoding scheme.
Unicode is a coded character set.
UTF-8 and UTF-16 are encoding schemes. Both are based on the same Unicode and can hold the same set of characters.--
UTF-8とUTF-16はエンコーディング方式です。どちらも同じUnicodeに基づいており、同じ文字セットを保持できます。 -
Roland Mol DTP Solutions commented
UTF-8 supports less characters. That’s why UTF-16 is the better choice
Iago Castro commented
Important update, why haven't you done it yet?
CS5 omachi commented