Path to be for every action (open/save/import ...) the same in dialog
Indesign in CS had the feature that every path in every dialogue was the same (when you opened a doc the import path was the same as well). Nowadays I feel like using Xpress all over again: every dialog has the path it had from the last access (open would be e.g. on C:\, place file on D:\foo\bar and so on. Can there maybe a checkbox to sync paths between the open dialogues that indesign manages?

Maik commented
I would not second this, as I like my ID to remember where I ended up last time. Like Acrobat remembers different paths for "Save as" and "Replace".
NEU! commented
Nah. Im a bit on Xpress side here: It was great to differ images and assets by preferences. If I want to place an .ai-logo, we have them in another folder, i could predifne that. But that wasnt too powerful, because Xpress didnt differed betweeen filetypes.
So I had me a workaround with 3 scripts doing this, defaulding specific paths upon use.
Another bummer: You wont get to choose import options.#target Indesign
var pathToPredefinedFolder = Folder('/Volumes/srvmar101_01/'); ('Choose files…', '*.*', true))}
catch (e){} -
Steve commented
I totally agree but i would go a step further and would like an option to sync the folders between all Applications (AI, PS, ID) and Dialogs.