Continue footnotes numeration
Add the possibility to continue footnotes numeration over different stories. For example, continue footnotes numeration on different chapters of a book, where each chapter is one independent file.

Philip Byrne commented
Basic stuff here, Adobe. We've been asking for this for years.
Gabriele Wicker commented
Ossie54 commented
Why isn't this the default way that footnotes work and then you can choose to restart numbering per text box/page/section if you'd like? Come on Adobe, listen to your users please! This is a MASSIVE pain the bum when setting documents.
Muhannad Hamoud commented
I noticed now that I commented on this thread on October 2020 .. Still waiting 😭😭
Sarah commented
A half-decade on and we still await a response 😭😭😭
Poora Pueblo commented
This feature is obviously way overdue.
D Pk commented
For goodness sake, add this feature! If much-maligned Microsoft Word can do this, why can't Indesign?!
Peter Maas commented
I assume Adobe just forgot about this problem. Let this be a quick reminder for them. Hey Adobe: wake up!
Rom Factolerin commented
i discover a run around this problem that is bugging me eversince i use indesign. since I am not submitting my indesign file to my client (only PDF) i discover that i can edit my footnotes in PDF and make it run continously which the indesign is not offering. just export your file from indesign to PDF and edit image and text there. easy as a breeze. you can now submit your PDF file to a client or submit it to printing. done.
Chanda Szczeblowski commented
Still need this improvement... the ability to continue footnote numbering between stories is really needed. Seems like folks have been asking for this for a while! PLEASE
Lyria Shaffer-Bauck commented
Is this really still a thing? I am dying right now. I just divided my 200+-page document into separate frames because every change was having a terrible ripple effect. Now my footnotes won't flow continuously?! How is this not possible?
Anonymous commented
It's hilarious that InDesign can't do that, such a shame. Take the money and run....
jmore commented
Really?? Still nothing? Sorta feels like indesign is given last man power that's left lol
Anonymous commented
here to support this issue!! same for endnotes
Richard Coda commented
Come on, man! This is 2021! You can't make footnotes/endnotes a "document-based" thing? I have to make my documents as "accessible" as possible. That means sectioning (stories). I make each story a single threaded frame, as you should, but the footnotes are a decade behind.
Marga commented
2021 and still waiting...
Troy Deckert commented
FYI: Endnotes are possible, but only in the indd. document. Yes, endnotes for non-fiction books are a must. If you use the Book Format (.indb), Adobe doesn't offer it. As a publisher, the advice I got from other users was to use a regular InDesign document (.indd) to enable standard endnotes, both for print and ePub. The document will be long, but the other users said it would still process OK for endnotes, TOC, chapters, and index, perhaps with some sluggishness. It could be slower if you have 1,000 pages, but OK for 200 to 600 pages, with some waiting for the TOC or index, etc. to process. Now, if you can settle for chapter notes or footnotes, then you can use the book.indb format. But, for many books with a lot of citations, or long comments, or both, like mine, having notes at the end avoids ruining the flow of the book. Who wants several pages of notes after each chapter, interrupting the reading flow, before you start the next chapter? Not most readers. Help us out Adobe, and make your book function for all books, not just picture books or children's books.
Michelle K commented
Yes please! Just came across this issue and I agree. Much needed.
Athanasios Iordanidis commented
I have the same problem. I need continues footnote numeration in the whole document without having to link the text frames.
Anonymous commented
That's a shame! my client wants the footnotes continuously...