Remove the menu bar from Publish Online when in full screen mode and make sure any remote clicker device can be used to present.
Several users in our practice would like to present animated InDesign presentations using Publish Online.
However nobody likes the menu bar appearing across the bottom of the screen, it's very distracting for anyone presenting onscreen.
Also, most people presenting onscreen would use a remote clicker to move through the slides, as you would in a PowerPoint presentation. However the remote clicker does not work with Publish Online. I would say that I could move our entire practice, with over 1,000 users over to Publish Online from PowerPoint if these two major factors were addressed. It's a shame because they are currently losing interest and reverting back to PowerPoint. This is very disappointing for me as an in-house Adobe trainer. Our users love InDesign and really wanted to get going with the animation and Publish Online, but these two issues are major problems for presenters all over the world.
Please help.

Nick Anaclerio commented
Just want to add to the chorus asking Adobe to fix this. Absolutely asinine UI decision. Make your software usable, don't we give you enough money?
Anonymous commented
Wow - this was suggested in 2017 and no response?
It makes no sense at all that you can't toggle this on and off. What's the point in having a design style for a specific presentation if it is overruled by this?Further more if you have a video that fills up the whole canvas, the bar at the bottom will comer some of the controls – this is literally making Publish Online obstruct the content on the slide!
Guess I'll have do do presentations in PowerPoint instead, which is sad. Would've preferred to use InDesign and take advantage of only working in Adobe Software.
Could you (Adobe) at least let us know if there's any plans of making this work? Or have you abandoned Publish Online altogether?
BTW: tried out Adobe Express as an alternative, can't recommend that as the export options (as far as I can see) are only mp4 of still images of you slides.
All the best, Peter
Mary Bayer commented
Maurice said it best and will repeat: "It's a severe limitation that makes Publish Online completely unusable for professional work. Imagine if every PDF that was exported from InDesign came with non-removable Adobe navigation? Unacceptable." Please fix this soon!
Steyn commented
I agree, it would be fantastic if there was a choice of adding it, or not, or on rollover or whatever on export.
Maurice Williams commented
It's a severe limitation that makes Publish Online completely unusable for professional work. Imagine if every PDF that was exported from InDesign came with non-removable Adobe navigation? Unacceptable.
Venni Razalie commented
Please have bottom bar to be hidden during "Full View" Mode while we are navigating (click using arrow/mouse). I was just about to utilize this features for future presentation until I saw the bottom bar appearing whenever we want to navigate through the presentation slide. The bottom bar blocking the full presentation. Or are there any way to keep visibility of the bar stay hidden and can be easily done / instructed whenever I share the publication with others?
Apparently this concern has been shared in 2017 and is there any response?
My apologies if I miss any similar request that has been answered. -
Anonymous commented
Please have the bar disappear in full screen mode for presentations !!!
George M commented
The bar at the bottom basically makes the whole 'publish online' feature useless.
Why go through designing a deck just to have some ugly UI at the bottom that you can't toggle off...
Martin Bangemann commented
The pages can be turned by use of the arrow-keys. To let the controls disappear a simple CSS-switch would do the trick. In a modern browser, you can actually do this the "hard way" by just deleting the entire "div.navbar-bottom" section while the document is open. As long as you don't refresh your browser, the "navbar" is GONE and stays that way.
This is NOT a solution to your request, just a work-around that might help with a specific presentation, but it clearly shows, how easy it should be for Adobe to implement a "key-press-command" to toggle the visibility of the controls. ;-)