Please have bottom bar to be hidden during "Full View" Mode while we are navigating (click using arrow/mouse). I was just about to utilize this features for future presentation until I saw the bottom bar appearing whenever we want to navigate through the presentation slide. The bottom bar blocking the full presentation. Or are there any way to keep visibility of the bar stay hidden and can be easily done / instructed whenever I share the publication with others?
Apparently this concern has been shared in 2017 and is there any response?
My apologies if I miss any similar request that has been answered.
Please have bottom bar to be hidden during "Full View" Mode while we are navigating (click using arrow/mouse). I was just about to utilize this features for future presentation until I saw the bottom bar appearing whenever we want to navigate through the presentation slide. The bottom bar blocking the full presentation. Or are there any way to keep visibility of the bar stay hidden and can be easily done / instructed whenever I share the publication with others?
Apparently this concern has been shared in 2017 and is there any response?
My apologies if I miss any similar request that has been answered.