Publish Online: Sharper elements
InDesign seems to convert vector-based elements (linked eps/AI etc.) in JPGs when I publish online. But that's not sharp. Even with 144dpi (Retina Display …). But text is sharp … Is it possible to have alle the same sharp?! (if not the clients ask: why is the text sharp and these elements not?!) Maybe convert to svg or show a PDF …???

Gabriela commented
I really need this! I work a lot with digital vectorized interfaces. It's a shame that I can't publish the INDD file with svg images :(
Uwe Laubender commented
At least text in placed InDesign pages should be—in theory—convertable the same way like text is handled now: SVG vector shapes. That would be a huge step forward, I think. How much developing effort would that be?It would also be a nice feature for InDesign layouts as well: "Convert placed InDesign pages to native objects". Something like that…
Uwe -
Uwe Laubender commented
Hi Matthias,
the reason you are seeing this is, that ALL page elements with exception of text is exported as pixels. Be them JPEG or PNG images. Text is exported as vector outlines in SVG format if possible. More items of a page should be exported to SVG if possible.Regards,