Enable easy batching of GREP Find/Change queries & expandable 'entry window'
Hi there,
Rather than rely on third-party software (or convoluted scripts), there should be an option to batch GREP queries together in the Find/Change menu.
Also, it would be nice (for more extensive/complicated GREPs) to be able to expand the window in general (pertaining to both Find/Change's GREP tab and the equivalent menu for GREP styles elsewhere) when entering the expressions.
As an addendum to that last point, at the very least InDesign should have a built in (expandable) panel for copying and pasting complicated GREP syntax without having to worry about certain syntax items disappearing if copied and pasted elsewhere for review/edit outside of the tiny text window within the current UI. I'm aware of RegExr and it works okay, but this should really be built in (or even better, allow the window to expand as suggested above).

Anonymous commented
Yes please
Jean-Claude Tremblay commented
The ability to create/execute group or chain of GREP queries right inside the Find/Change UI will be a real joy to use.
Make it happen Adobe!