More options when creating Forms via InDesign
InDesign has a few features that make it possible to export an interactive PDF-Formular directly from InDesign.
This CAN save a lot of time when customers require changes on these Files but sadly InDesign is missing out a lot of features that Adobe Acrobat has - even though it'd be a lot easyier to set everything up in InDesign.
So in my opinion the Formular menue needs some improvement and get more functionality (In Acrobat you can define a font VS via InDesign you can't) since more and more customers request Interactive PDF-Forms etc.
It would be valuable to us because we have to edit every file we create after every change just to make those adjustments that can't be done via InDesign yet.
Thanks :)

Dear All,
Now you can set fonts/typeface directly in InDesign while creating PDF forms. This feature is now available in latest InDesign CC version. Please upgrade to the latest release.
Abhinav Agarwal
Anonymous commented
Wondering why Adobe won't fix this. I am one of many asking for this to be fixed. Design software that doesn't let the creator change the font.....Hummmmm.
Rhiannon Miller commented
Yes. I want to be able to add custom javascript, change the font, and include placeholder text.
Milo Persic commented
ADOBE: As of this writing, this suggestion has 28 votes.
My guess is - A LOT.
Seriously, look around. Read your forums. A lot of people tearing their hair out over this one.
This isn't so much a "feature suggestion" as it is a "hey, you've shipped a product with missing essential functionality" notification. Don't think so? Ask yourselves where else in InDesign (hell, any creative suite program) can you create text boxes and have no control over fonts? Unacceptable.
Editing properties individually for 100's of fields in Acrobat is NOT an acceptable workflow, not even once, LET ALONE every time you export a document or a new version of the same.
Jane-e commented
Changing the font in InDesign should available and Helvetica should be the default, just as it is in Acrobat. Times New Roman is the worst choice and has to be edited.
TM commented
I agree. All PDF form building features should be available in Indesign. It should also be possible to create, test and add javascripts. (Example: custom calculations). It should also be possible to add field calculations. After some modifications have been done in the layout, all the work needs to be executed again in Acrobat. This is very time consuming ...
Todd Farrell commented
I'd like the option to change fonts for text fields in interactive forms. Like others posting here, I've spent considerable time designing my form and want to specify the font for text fields. Just like this comment is being displayed in Adobe's chosen font.
Ali Bokaiyan commented
I feel stupid for even having to ask for this at this point in time. Cause what I am about to ask should already be working feature by now and be implemented within indesign. I read few other have also requested this for this feature. So to whom ever is in charge please grant this wish.
Interactive pdf form option should be accompanied with full acrobat rich form options within indesign ie: rich text, font colors, etc.. Since indesign the defacto application to generate books, layouts, pdf, epub printable or digital documents the half (arss) pdf support is just lazy work on adobe's behalf.
Come on for god sake, how difficult is it to implement full acrobat form properties features within indesign. Heck 85% of the code is their matter of copy, past on programers part to take those type tool code from acrobat into indesign.
2nd note. Since more and more devices are touch screen enabled it would be wise to add markup form filed so people can draw or enter their answers within pfd document. Right kinda like signature filed but more graphic driven. Again these features should already be implement.
Liam Hamer-Nel commented
Anonymous commented
Plus, after you make the final edits to a complicated form in Acrobat, amd then your customer asks for a change in layout, you have to redo all that work in acrobat again. It's not efficient.
Ariel commented
Agreed. Meanwhile, there is this: