Recent file panel
When Indesign first opens, the time stamp on the recent file is not correct. Some of the files are marked "in an hour" as when they were opened. Others are just marked as 4 hours ago.
The normal keyboard shortcut for hide does not work either on this screen.
Indesign CC 2017.1 release build

Anonymous commented
We need to MANAGE recent files, sort by date or project or client, honor the file system so files can be organized, handle more than a few dozen files, group by key-words, etc.
Anonymous commented
recent files
Donovan commented
IDCC 2018 13.1
MacOS 10.13.13
i.Mac 27" mid 2010I have and have had this same problem for the last several versions, since early last year. It seems to work while I have ID open, but when I open it the next day or so later, all time stamps are the same. Also, files I delete or move, are NOT removed from the recents list and there does not appear to be any way to clear or edit recents either. Consequently I am left with an ever increasing list of randomly organized files that includes ones that no longer exist. Sort by name works, but that's not what I'm looking for.
jay maechtlen commented
aaand - just now, I see the timestamps of the few most recent files are ok, but all others are "two hours ago".
I have not rebooted or done anything to intentionally change the system or the recent files list.
Win 7, most recent version of ID. -
jay maechtlen commented
Current rev, recent files all show same time/date. REALLY not helpful!