Output to PDF removes bleed
Summary: Output to PDF removed bleed
I laid out a book in Indesign using the 'Book' feature, with several similar sections or documents linked as a 'Book'. Each document based on the same original so all had same settings.
I needed to output to PDF for the printer, Mixam UK. I downloaded the printer's settings, which include: output to single pages, bleed with no marks, with 'use document bleed' checked.
I had set up the documents in Indesign in spreads with 3mm bleed as usual from the start. When looking at the output settings BEFORE output, I could see it still said 'use document settings' and showed 3mm bleed all round. See attached screenshot.
I then output the book (Export Book to PDF) to single page PDF and uploaded to printer's website.
I did not notice the document in fact had ZERO BLEED. The printer alerted me. I went back and output again. This time I looked more carefully and saw that 'use document bleed' was still ticked (checked), but it had reset to 0mm. I think it does it at the point of exporting the whole 'Book'.
Workaround: I unticked 'use document bleed' and changed the bleed manually in that box to 3mm. Problem solved.
I see that a similar issue has been noted by Adobe but one suggested workaround is to export as single pages, link below. But I was using single pages so that is NOT the solution. Something is going wrong with 'use document settings', perhaps because it was a Book and not a single doc. (I did check each Indesign document is set up with 3mm bleed - yes they are.)
I'm working on a Mac running OS 12.6 and Adobe Indesign 2023 on subscription.
Anyway hope you can work on this and provide a fix or announcement so that other people don't send off their work without bleed.
Of course the fact the printer demands a bleed without marks is making it harder for me as customer to check I've got bleed in my PDF! That bit is not your problem!
Side note: this window for reporting bugs is too small! It's hard to see what I've already said or edit it.
Thank you.