scrolling text frame
When publishing my file online, a gap appears in the text within the scrolling text frame. (see attachment) The gap seems to be aligned to the place where the text hits the bottom of the container frame. There are no extra characters causing this gap in the text. I had the same issue with a document a year ago, but it looks like this bug is still there.
Version: Indesign 2025
Steps to reproduce issues:
•Paste longer text box into container box.
•Align content to top left.
•Use overlays panel, choose "Scrollable frame," Scroll direction: vertical, Initial content position: Upper left, Export Format : Vector
•Publish Online > Publish
Expected result: text scrolls and appearance remains same as text in original large content box
Actual result: text scrolls but a gap appears - in approximately the same location as where the text hits the bottom of the container frame.