Items Dirty the Document When No Change To Doc Was Made
InDesign File Dirties On Open With No Changes
1) Open the provided file called Dirty File.indd
The title bar shows an * in front of the name, indicating a change has been made to the file (it's "dirty") although no change was made. This is a problem,, as I wonder if my file is leaking memory or will become unstable if more items or pages are added to it.
1. Open the file Dirty File.indd
2. Open a new untitled InDesign document and save it as Doc2.indd
3. Choose Window>Arrange>Tile All Vertically
4. In Dirty File.indd from the Pages panel drag page 1 and drop it into the Doc2.indd window
5. Save and close Doc2.indd
6. Open Doc2.indd
Doc2.indd is good, it is NOT dirty
1. Open the file Dirty File.indd
2. Select all items on Page 1 and choose Edit > Copy
2. Open a new untitled InDesign document and save it as Doc2.indd
3. Choose Window>Arrange>Tile All Vertically
4. In Doc2.indd, chose Edit > Paste In Place
5. Save and close Doc2.indd
6. Open Doc2.indd
Doc2.indd has an * next to its name in the title bar. The document IS dirty even though no changes were made
UMMM it's an InDesign document problem, you need the .indd file to see the bug and get the problem data from the document. But your web page here doesn't allow .indd files to be uploaded to this bug submit page. So...please contact me to get the file I guess.