Adding a word starting with the Danish letter æ makes InDesign crash
Add a word starting with the Danish letter æ to an index invariably crashes InDesign, both the small æ and the capital Æ, no matter which method we use. Words where this letter is not placed at the beginning, like “bæverfælde", are no problem, nor are the two other Danish characters ø and å.
We also tried to add the words from a list, using a script which places index markers on every instance in the document; this did not make InDesign crash, but no entries were added either :-(
Perhaps connected to the fact that it is no longer possible to get such words sorted under the proper index sections headings Æ, Ø and Å?
InDesign 19.5.
Crash report submitted on July 25.
Attached screenshots of test file with problematic words marked in red, and wrong sorting marked in Sulphur, please see the Conditional text window for further explanation.
Uploading an InDesign file does seem possible here, but you may try for yourself to index the words "ærkebiskop" and "Æsop" in this text:
Læs denne herlige, gamle beskrivelse skrevet af etnolog, historiker, kartograf og ikke mindst ærkebiskop i Sverige i en årrække, Olaus Magnus. Den gamle græker Æsop er kendt for sine mange legendariske dyrefabler, som han skrev ned i 1400-tallet, og også her findes bæveren i en fabel.

Anonymous commented
OK, so I found out how to fix the sorting: There is no visual cue to the fact that the sort options window is meant for anything other than sorting, or that there is actually a drop-down list with various choices under Header Types > Basic Latin. After changing this to Danish/Norwegian, the sorting works fine – AND adding a word starting with the letter æ no longer crashes InDesign! Still, I find it strange that this is necessary to avoid a crash.