Multi-level lists
ISSUE: If you create a multi-level list (1, 1.1, 1.2.3, etc) and export as an accessible PDF the list structure is not correct and presents the incorrect "List level" to the reader when using any assistive technology.
EXPECTED RESULTS: When a new level of a list is created the sublist's <L> goes INSIDE the <LBody> tag to properly indicate the list is sublevel.
ACTUAL RESULTS: In the most recent build of InDesign, the <L> is just a sibling of the <LBody>. This is not only incorrect an a violation of PDF/UA-1, it also requires fixing EVERY TIME you use this feature in InDesign because it voices the incorrect level to the user when listening using assistive technology.
Please FIX!!!!
1 First level
1.1 sub level
1.2 sub level
Should be:
-- <LI>
--- <Lbl>
--- <LBody>
---- <L> Child of the LBody
-- <LI>
--- <Lbl>
--- <LBody>
--- <L> Sibling of the LBody
Colleen Gratzer commented
This requires extra work fixing it in the PDF.