Files won't open
Trying to open some files from File Explorer or within InDesign: Adobe Creative Cloud message states: "InDesign could not open "[file name]" because it has been created in a newer version - Adobe InDesign 19.4. You can convert and open this file but you may lose out on content created using the features specifgic to the latest versions. For the best experience, we recommend updating InDesign to the latest version." I am always updated since I use the auto-update feature for all products. If I attempt to use the "Update" link provided I get this message: "You're up to date!". If I use the "Convert File" link I get this Adobe Creative Cloud message: "Unable to convert "[file name]". You are not currently signed in to Creative Cloud. Please go to Help - Sign In and enter your Adobe ID. Restart InDesign, then try opening the codument again." I am already signed in so this is getting me nowhere to be able to open files I must access!