Wrong alphaphetic order in index
Alphaphetic index order is wrong in Finnish InDesign 19.3.
For example this is the result:
Koivu, Jukka 143, 208, 209
Koivula, Pauli 80
Koivu, Saku 132, 142
Koivusalo, Timo 110, 111
Koivu, Tuire 143
Kolmonen, Jaakko 17, 18
Should be this:
Koivu, Jukka 143, 208, 209
Koivu, Saku 132, 142
Koivu, Tuire 143
Koivula, Pauli 80
Koivusalo, Timo 110, 111
Kolmonen, Jaakko 17, 18
Also the W-beginnings word should be in own section, not in V-beginnings.