Assign new shortcut for hiding panels while inside a text box don't work (Mac 12.7.4 ID2023)
InDesign 18.5.2
Mac 12.7.4
Please read and try to create it in order to see the problem. some users reported it works for a few times, but later stopped.
I have a need to hide/show panels except the toolbox which is here:
Product area : Views, Navigation > Show/Hide all panels except toolbox --- Default: Shift+Tab
Of course this shortcut will not work when my cursor is inside a text box so I added a shortcut when the "Text" context is selected so it will work in this way too: Text: Ctrl+Tab
While doing so I made sure [unassigned] is written.
I now have 2 shortcuts for this actions but the only one that works is the default one and I don't understand why.
I tried to remove the first option and keep only the one I assigned but it still won't work.
Attached is a screenshot of my definitions.
thank you

Shlomit Heymann commented