swatch / colour display bug IND 19.2 - not all swatches used are appearing in swatch panel
New update Indesign 19.2 swatches / colours in document not all appearing in swatches panel - you've always been able to easily delete a swatch in indesign and it'll delete everywhere if, for example, you paste something from another document and it brings in a conflicting colour, without having to use "find swatch" (which is great for finding where it's used but not as fast if you don't care where it is).
Yesterday I noticed not all swatches used are appearing however. A text box I had used a colour background that definitely isn't in swatches. I also noticed one file in RGB didn't have a swatch appearing that was CMYK although I've since noticed it in other files without that conflict (and previously you could always have both CMYK and RGB swatches in a doc).
Also noticing some line and type display issues, lines exporting different thicknesses despite being set to the same, and text not centred vertically when I always set up my text boxes to autosize and using baseline set to cap height, with vertical justification set to align centre in text frame options, always works, now it's not displaying great when zoomed out, but exports ok, or the other way around, looks ok then exports to jpg mis-aligned. Sometimes on the same page multiple frames set the same way, some will be fine and others slightly out of alignment...