Selecting text in table inside Story Editor
InDesign 19.0
When I try to select text in a table using Story Editor, the mouse selects text starting one character to the right from where I click. This starts in the 2nd row of text. For each row below that, the selection starts one additional character to the right.
For example, I have a table with 5 rows and each row has the text 'ABCDEFG'. If I try and select the letter 'A' on row 2 by clicking at the start of the text and dragging to the right, the selected text will skip the letter 'A' and start the selection with the 2nd character, 'B'. If I try and do the same thing on row 5, the selection will jump to letter 'E', which coincidentally is the 5th character
This behavior occurs no matter how many rows and columns the table has. Selecting text outside of the Story Editor works fine.
Also, Story Editor is showing an extra paragraph in each row when there isn't one. Cannot delete this extra paragraph.
Bug was confirmed on another computer in our office running ID 19.0