Application Window Bug
Please fix this annoying bug, Adobe! Ever since I updated to the latest version 18.4 the application window has broken. I have uploaded a screen recording to demonstrate what is happening. I use Shift + W a LOT to view my work in presentation mode. everytime I exit this view the entire application shrinks!! And I have to keep manually resizing the application window. But it doesn't happen when I uncheck 'Application Window' from the window menu. Please fix this. I have never had this issue before.
Yvonne Hubner commented
I am also having this annoying issue!
Denham Pereira commented
Ok.. this issue is back.. So the solution provided by Kiran is not a permanent solution..
Adobe .. over to you .. (again!)I'm not going to be clearing my preferences every three weeks just to resolve this issue temporarily
Denham Pereira commented
I received an email from Kiran with a solution that worked.. but I am unable to view it here.
in case someone else needs the solution to this here it is as received.
Try deleting InDesign caches & prefs (after taking backup for your custom settings)
/Users/[user_name]/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign
/Users/[user_name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign
/Users/[user_name]/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.InDesign.plistand see if the issue goes away.
Adobe InDesign team