When adding v-Card information for generating a business card QR code - Incorrect Title for email
When adding v-Card information for generating a business card QR code the email line comes up as work instead of email when the QR code is scanned and a window opens up on a mobile device. The category above on the form in InDesign states that the word "email" should appear above the contacts email. This is a needed fix noticed.
Andrey Kiyko commented
In most businesses, you interact with clients and it is not uncommon for misunderstandings to arise between you. That is why I realized how important it is to be able to resolve consumer issues correctly https://www.empowher.com/groups/women-health/posts/how-use-review-platforms-addressing-your-consumer-issues . The best way is to remain calm and professional, to seek a compromise. Conflict management courses, which provide clear strategies for working with difficult clients, helped a lot. Now I resolve such issues faster and without stress.