Cross References between files in book dependent on position in cross reference list
I have a Glossary book with 27 files (one for each letter of the alphabet plus one for numbered items). Each page of the book uses a parent page (*) located in file A which contains a bar with cross refs for each of the files so users can easily navigate. I set the cross refs in the bar to each of my files in the A file, then synchronize the parent pages to update the remaining 26 files.
When I go to B file, my cross ref palette shows that my A cross ref needs to be updated, and 3 other cross refs have lost their way. When I select Update All Cross References, the A cross ref that said it needed to be updated is now showing the B cross reference, and the other 3 now have red flags.
This happens in all 26 of the remaining files. To fix, I've had to manually go into the 4 references in all 26 files and relink them to the correct file. While doing so, I noticed that in the cross ref document list, the current file is always in position 1 in the list, and this seems to correspond to what's happening: the A cross ref is always changing to the current file's cross ref when I update, indicating that the cross refs seem to be more dependent on the position the file appears in within the cross ref document list rather than just the name of the file. See screenshots.
This needs to be fixed very soon as every time one of my files gets updated, I need to reexport the book as a PDF, and manually update the cross refs.
I don't know why K, R, and Y are also breaking every time in every file, but that is also very frustrating. I don't know if those 3 break because of their position in the cross ref doc list also, but if the top file is relying on position instead of file name, the others may not be sticking to the correct file name either.
Please fix soon as this feature would be so powerful if it were working as expected.
You will find InDesign and PC specs in the screenshots.
Thank you.