'Use Spacing' *STILL* not working for multiple pages using Page Tool
- Indesign Beta v 18.9
- Turn off Facing pages and deselect 'Allow pages to shuffle'
• create multiple pages and then 'attach' one to another, by clicking and dragging a page alongside another in the pages panel, until you see the grey 'hook' then release it, so they stick together.
• Now select multiple pages using the Page tool and the 'Use Spacing' option appears at the top. Type in a number, say, 50mm
Expected result: All pages move 50mm away from each other, and you should be able to attach as many pages together as required for the task
Actual result: everything stays the same, no spacing between 'artboards/pages' is automatically inserted, and you can only attach 10 pages together.
• I was hoping this issue was resolved in Beta.
• I've tried 3 different computers (MacBook Pro M1 Max, iMac 2017 5k, MacBook Pro 15inch 2015) and doesn't work on any of them.
It's a feature that would save a lot of designers working with Point of sale and event exhibition design, to be able to organise 'artboards/pages' directly in InDesign.

Ivan Ocampo commented
Did this ever get resolved? It worked for me in my current document, and all of a sudden it stopped working.