JPG exports render horizontal "rips" in the image
Exporting an image as a jpg is bugged and renders horizontal rips in the image. Easily seen in this photo of power lines. Compare with a png-export which looks fine.
InDesign 17.4 on MacOS 12.6.3

Creative Overlord commented
I am experiencing this issue suddenly in the past week or two. It seems to affect only 72dpi jpg exports from indesign, if I export at 300dpi then open in photoshop and downsize to 72dpi then export as jpg again the file will be fine.
See attached comparison
MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1
InDesign 19.4 -
Samuel Fyfe commented
Can confirm as well. Similar artifacts that appear are both in PNG, as well as JPG. Photo comparison between a direct export in INDD as opposed to an export of the same graphic in Acrobat, after exporting from INDD as PDF