Font display issue with certain fonts in images from clipboard (18.1 x64)
We use a charting service called Macrobond, and copy images from that software to insert in InDesign. The following buggy behavior is observed:
When using certain fonts in the chart, the pasted image in InDesign displays those fonts in miniscule sizes. That does not happen with other fonts fonts.
I suspect the issue stems from different ways in which InDesign handles the various fonts based on whether they are included or third-party (or perhaps depending if they are installed locally on the PC or is fetched from the Adobe library).
In this example the first image shows a problematic chart using Arial Regular and Arial Bold Italic.
The second image shows the chart using variations on the Myriad Pro font installed manually on the PC. Both charts were inserted into InDesign using the same method: copying the chart in Macrobond and pasting it into InDesign.
Similar errors are exhibited when using Adobe Acrobat to generate PDFs in PowerPoint based on those same types of images with the same problematic fonts, so is not isolated to InDesign.