Exported PNGs or JPEGs RGB Colors Slightly Different Versus Illustrator Export For Screens
So here is the situation and setup.
Illustrator File with Pantone Colors (Book LAB colors)
Color Settings are synced via Bridge (NA General Purpose)
Illustrator file is in CMYK Mode
In Illustrator File is exported to PNG (via Exported for Screens)
In InDesign the same Illustrator file is placed in InDesign and then Exported as PNG file.
When looking at the attached image the RGB values are slightly different most noticeably in the red. When looked at with the eyedropper in PS the CMYK values read as the same on both but the RGB is slightly different.
For example:
InDesign PNG File Red = R255 G68 B56
Illustrator PNG File Red = R239 G72 B62
I tried saving the Illustrator file with and without an embedded color profile and no difference.
So the question is, am I missing a setting or option somewhere or does InDesign just convert the Pantone/Lab/Values differently and if so should they not be the same across apps?
Note: I did do a test where I converted the Pantone Colors in the FIle to CMYK Process Colors and that made the colors equal but for workflow reasons I like to keep one file and not have to create separate Non Pantone versions of the file if it can be helped.

Dean Morrison commented
So after some further testing I believe I have figured out the Issue. This is not really a bug but maybe something that could turn into an option.
Basically when you save the PNG from Illustrator (or Photoshop) the file is using a conversion based on the RGB or CMYK values which are affected by the Color Profile even if there is none assigned and not LAB even when the set colour mode is LAB. When You Export the file from InDesign whether the file is in RGB or CMYK mode it seems to use the LAB values to create the RGB.
Testing Color Pantone Warm Red
Values In the Color Swatch = R255 G68 B56 (When Switching from LAB to RGB)
CMYK Color Mode Illustrator PNG File = R239 G72 B62
RGB Color Mode Illustrator PNG File = R250 G66 B56 (close but still off)
InDesign PNG File = R255 G68 B56 -
Photoshop using the same linked ai files gives the same results as Illustrator.So I guess the question is Why does InDesign use the LAB values while Illustrator & Photoshop Convert based on profile when Exporting PNG & JPGs. I understand why values are converted for print but it might be nice when exporting for screens to have some kind of option in Illustrator and Photoshop that if a placed Graphic has a Spot Color that it is recognized as such and the LAB values within that Spot colour are used. The whole point of using LAB is consistency.