buggy footnote placement
Footnotes are randomly placed in the middle of the text stream, rather than the bottom of the page. I've seen it happen a couple times, but I don't know why it happens. Other footnotes are placed in the correct position.
In Document Footnote Options, Place end of Story Footnotes at Bottom of Text is UNchecked. However, I get the same result if it IS checked.
The worst part is that there is NO way to correct this!
I tried to upload the INDD files, and a PNG screen shot, but in both cases, it produced an error, "Files are not supported and have been removed." Please contact me for the files showing the error.
Using InDesign on Windows, v17.3 x64

S. Krupkowski commented
I've determined that this is happening because there are multiple footnotes in consecutive paragraphs. If you increase the size of the text frame(s), it resolves. Unfortunately, we can't modify the layout of a single spread within a 70 page report--not an option!