Object Styles within Object Style Groups cannot be set to Document.pageItemDefaults (Scripting)
See this thread in community forum: https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/script-cannot-set-an-object-style-as-a-default-frame-style-if-this-style-is-inside-a-folder/td-p/13062809
If an object style is within a group, it cannot be assigned as the appliedTextObjectStyle in Document.pageItemDefaults. Have not checked whether the same is true for appliedGraphicObjectStyle

Uwe Laubender commented
Hi Brian,
just tested with appliedGraphicObjectStyle.
All the same.With my German InDesign the error number is 30477, the message is:
"Ungültiger Wert für Einrichtung der Eigenschaft "appliedGraphicObjectStyle". ObjectStyle or String erwartet, aber ObjectStyle erhalten."
that translates to:
"Invalid value for set property '"appliedGraphicObjectStyle"'. Expected ObjectStyle or String, but received ObjectStyle"Regards,
Uwe Laubender
( Adobe Community Professional )