Duplicating Document within Finder Causes Both to be linked to the same Review "Share For Review"
I just encountered a very annoying bug. It seems that if you duplicate a file in the finder (Mac OS) with a document that already has a review, the copy seems to keep the link to the Shared for Review review. Also the original maintains the link. Even if you try creating a new review it seems both files are connected. The way to avoid it is to do a Save Copy from with InDesign. So I guess within the InDesign document when you just duplicate in the finder there is some information that somehow keeps it lined to the original? But when you do a save copy it breaks that link? I had even tried deleting the reviews but when I would create a new review it would somehow link it to both Indesign file.
Note: I am working on Google Drive Cloud Drive so I will have to test if it has the same issue with a local drive.