Colour Shift in Indesign CC 2021
I upgraded last week to Indesign CC 2021. When I export ads from from Indesign that contain tiffs with a coloured background and sit on a background of the same CMYK colour values in Indesign, I encounter an issue which didn't exist in previous versions - when I output a pdf or jpg from the ad there is a noticeable colour shift in the image. I have been outputting ads using this coloured background method for years with no issue.
This has worked fine previously in CC 2020 and earlier versions of Indesign but it appears to be something to do with exporting files like this in general rather than just an issue with pdfs themselves.
To work around this in the interim I had to place clipping paths on the images, which solved the problem. It also creates a thin bar of colour on the right of the image picture box.
A couple of people had a look at this in the Community Support Forum and had exactly the same issues, their conclusion was the same as mine, this appears to be a bug.
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Test file:

Will Paterson commented