Cross Reference search doesn't recognize typographer's quotes
When creating a cross-reference by searching for text with a particular style, the search text will not recognize a typographer's single quote. Therefore, a word like "woman's" with a single prime mark will work, but that same word using a proper single quote mark will yield no results, even if I can verify the existence of the text in the document to which I'm creating the cross-reference. The search function should be able to recognize that character, but if not, could it auto-replace such characters with the dumb quote mark? Failing that, could there be a simple warning message telling the user that some characters may not be recognized so the user knows to look at what is input to the search box? I also found that a paragraph return, even if it existed by the text searched, would not get picked up. Again, if that is an offending character, it should trigger a warning or otherwise prompt the user so they don't have to go searching to see if the text actually appears in the document.