Idml save as/pdf export location should be relative to the location the file was opened from.
The bugs are recurring after every other update. It's really aggravating since the updates you bring to the build hardly feel like they add useful tools or new functionality. However, the bugs keep returning randomly on different updates. Your standard recurring update bugs are taking a toll on my work quality and speed because they are slowing me down. this is not justifying the monthly fee I am paying. At this point i'd be willing to pay you the monthly subscription to go home and leave the program alone.
Make a checklist of the bugs that keep coming back and fix them before every release.
1) Please, please: let the default save as -> idml location be the folder I opened the file from.
2) let the default export of pdfs be the location of the source file.
3) make save as -> idml not get the file name to break if it has a "." anywhere but before the file extension.