Crash on Export Interactive PDF inDesign 16.1
Crashes when exporting PDF interactive

Please send the following information to :
Reproducible Steps – What were you doing when InDesign the issue occurred?
• Video recording of the issue?
• Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, could you provide the document(s)/asset(s) to us? Please package the entire document (To package the document, choose File → Package…)
Adobe InDesign Team
ashok kumar commented
when export to interactive pdf the end note is trucated, the first line of every entry is missing, the print pdf shows no problem
Please send the following information to :
Reproducible Steps – What were you doing when InDesign the issue occurred?
• Video recording of the issue?
• Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, could you provide the document(s)/asset(s) to us? Please package the entire document (To package the document, choose File → Package…)—
Adobe InDesign Team