Hyperlink window causing crash/lockup
I'm working on a file from February 2020 that contains hyperlinks. Every time I click to use the Hyperlink window to edit/update urls my InDesign locks up. However, when I try this in a new file I created in December, I'm not having any issues with the hyperlinks window/tool.
I'm using the latest version of InDesign CC (16.1).
I open the file, click the Hyperlinks window and the program locks up to where I have to force quit.
(Not sure if it matters - I'm adding this comment from my Mac, but I'm trying to do this work on my PC, which is my work computer.)

Please submit the crash report to us. (Guidelines to submit crash are available at (https://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/kb/submit-crash-reports.html )
Also, please send the following information to santalwa@adobe.com :
• Reproducible Steps – What were you doing when InDesign crashed?
• Video recording of the crash?
• Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, could you provide the document(s)/asset(s) to us? Please package the entire document (To package the document, choose File → Package…)
Adobe InDesign Team