UI Contextual Interface
Contextual Menu
In the latest update to the application, support for contextual UI interface management has actually got worse.
I utilise a 'dual screen' like many, may designer. I find it unbelievable that Adobe continue to ignore professional reporting of your bugs and lack of real support for the program.
Indesign's lack of contextual UI management is poor, inadequate and pretty much makes using dual screen even more difficult than the last release.
Today, 31/01/2021 (Australia). I find that clicking on the type panel (which I have setup on the right monitor - displays the dropdown for the font size and many, many other components display of the left of the screen!
Who is responsible for this woeful oversight? Who is actually trialling this software (in real world environments)?
I'll also tell you, this isn't this first time I have report this inadequate UI.
Forget some of the irrelevant updates and focus on ensuring the product is fit-for-purpose, because I can tell you - you're not making it easier to use the product, you're making it a lot harder.
What's the point of having two monitors if you are going to force the UI components to render on the opposite monitor?
Version: Latest: 16.1
Steps to reproduce: Dual Monitor setup
Expected Result: Correct display of contextual menus for all components, regardless of dual monitor use
See example uploaded
Regards, Paul.