Location of link,indd & export files
INDD CC on PC win10
Working with local files and 2 LAN locations.
1) Sick of Indd updating every week and forgetting file locations.
2) the two options "Original Link folder" and "most recent Relink Folder" are meaningless.
I would like to be able to drag a job folder from the network and work on it with Indesign first looking in that local folder for its links, link folder and fonts instead of the original job folder on the LAN.
Why? - lets say I had an idea and want to test it without ruining the Main job. I make a local copy work with it, Decide that I like the result I can drop the folder on the network and tell it to overwrite the network files.
EXCEPT only the local indd file is new all the work on the links will be overwritten with the original files - because it was still linking to the network - result all the new work is lost.