InDesign opens with tiny window
For several recent versions of InDesign, and Windows, including the most recent of both (just updated InD yesterday, and this happened shortly after), I have on rare occasions had InD open as only a tiny box showing only the basic minimize/maximize/close buttons, and a window edge, positioned in the upper left corner. If I click on the maximize button, it goes to maximized, but then cannot grab outer edges to resize the box, and minimizes just goes back to almost nothing. If I then quit InD, USING FILE/QUIT, OR COMMAND-Q, then it will reopen OK. I think, maybe, this is triggered by using the x-box in the upper right corner to close the program, rather then file-quit or command-q. I try to remember to close it the 'correct' way, but since every other program I have on Windows is fine with closing the x-box, ...
Again, problem with current and at least 2 previous full versions, and with Windows 7 Home as well as Windows 10 Pro. It can go a long time without this happening.

Charlotte Sinclaire commented
@Amanda -- your "minimize, hover over, and reselect" worked for me, at least once, so thanks for posting that workaround. I've had this situation happen to me a few times, and I can't remember how I got out of it before, but this is a good one to have in the arsenal. Much appreciated. :)
Amanda commented
Still happening regularly as of Feb 2023 for me. I've also heard that closing ID while it's maximized can cause this, but I can't confirm and can confirm it happens when that hasn't been done. It opens in a manner where i can't select/drag corners to resize it.
A workaround I've found so far (working on Windows) is to minimize the app (often to do this I have to Ctrl+D to minimize all windows and view my desktop), then hover over it in my taskbar and select it again. Sometimes this opens it, still small, but now with the option to drag it open. This might not work for everyone and doesn't always for me. It's not a solution, but a workaround, and my palette layouts are always messed up afterward.
Diver J commented
I'm still encountering this problem. It's irritating and messes with my workspace layout. I also have this problem in Illustrator. I've attached a screen-shot of how my InDesign opens. This usually happens after a crash, and most of the time I can grab a corner and open it up, but it will re-open tiny! SO FRUSTRATING.
Whocares commented
I too continue to have this issue and the below "fix" does not work for me. I can see Adobe however, doesn't give one shit about solving this problem based on the length of time this entry has been here, with next-to-no response. At least, no reply from the people at Adobe. They got our money, so now we can just go get bent whenever there's an issue with their products. Why do I pay the hundreds of dollars every year for the "privilege"?!
Ryan G commented
I have had this same problem since at least 2018. I have not found a fix. I have to maximize (I only run maximized, never windowed) and then have to reset my workspace as the tool bar reverts to a single column and any panels revert to condensed.
The workaround I have used (which does not work for launching INDD via double clicking a document, only via an icon in the start menu or desktop or wherever). is the following:
> Make a text file called "InDesign.bat" next to the InDesign.exe file
> With a text editor enter the following into the .bat file (using the location of your installation):
start /max "" "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign 2021\InDesign.exe" start
> Make a shortcut to the .bat file in your start menu or wherever you want it
> I then set the icon of the shortcut to the INDD icon so it looks goodThis way when you launch the shortcut it loads runs the .bat file which tells InDesign to launch in a maximized window.
I could never get the regular start menu shortcut to launch InDesign maximized using the standard "Run: Maximized" dropdown in the file properties.
Hope that helps! (until they fix it.......)