60 Noto (foreign) fonts showing up in middle of drop down font listing.
I have recently upgraded to Adobe CC 2020, and also upgraded to Mac OS Catalina. when I open my font drop down menu I expect to see all of the 'foreign' (non english) fonts at the bottom of the list. Instead, there is a font 'Noto' with 60 font families in the menu. I've checked in 'Font Book' on my mac, and that font is NOT listed as an 'english' font, so I assume it SHOULD go to the bottom of the menu. These fonts show up in the middle of font listing of other CC programs as well (Photoshop and Illustrator)

Phillips commented
Might also be helpful to give feedback to Apple as well. This wouldn't be an issue if Apple moved nonessential fonts out of the protected part of the OS and allowed us control over which fonts we want installed as in older versions of the OS. Maybe if they hear from enough users they might change their thinking on this as well. Submit feedback here: https://www.apple.com/feedback/
Phillips commented
Need a way to block Mac OS System Fonts in Adobe product menus. Apple has taken user choice away from us. Please Adobe, give it back to us.
Anonymous commented