Import PDF Comments - New issues
We are facing below issue with PDF Comments option. Please check and resolve the same in next release.
Point1: We received the insert marking with space, but the insert correction not imported in correct place in InDesign. It's moved to after the actual character. I've attached screen shot and samples FYR...
Point2: We have PDF corrections in figure group. While importing the PDF corrections in InDesign, the imported correction not placed to correction position as per PDF. It's moved to some other place.
Point3: We marked the deletion correction in PDF for entire sentence include period. But InDesign deleted the content only and not delete the period at end of the sentence.
Samples attached for all 3 points.

Anonymous commented
Same here – we just had a case of inserted text moving consistently one letter to right on consistent on 370 pages!
Also seeing very weird behaviour in connection with inline graphics, such as corrections to text in illustrations, or text just before or after inline graphics, appearing in wrong places, and deletions marked in PDF which do not show at all in InDesign. Not to speak of the extreme lag where stickies are placed, combine these with other comments and tables and index markers and you get a complete mess ...
Please see screenshots, we can also supply examples of PDFs and InDesign documents if you are interested.
correction to illustration appears in text above_p65-70.png 909 KB -
table+pdf-comments+indexmarkers=mess.png 118 KB -
corrections to inline graphics disappear completely.png 259 KB -
strikethrough in PDF but not in ID.png 1534 KB -
comma after inline graphic appears before graphic.png 325 KB -
insert text marker misplaced one character to the right_p45.png 890 KB
Pearl commented
I have problem on Import PDF comments using InDesign. The correction was updated wrongly instead of correct position. I do not know what is procedure to identify the tool. The original corrections in table but tool imported on different places (refer screenshots).
Tobias Wantzen commented
I can reproduce, and strongly second all of this!