Can't Place Images with Applescript on MacOS 10.15 Catalina
InDesign 15.0.1
The Place command now fails in Applescript, following an upgrade to Catalina.
The "Image Catalog" sample script also fails to place the images in the same manner. Image placement fails with an error 1708, <<the file string>> doesn't understand the "place" message.

Jake Otto commented
This still does not work in MacOS Monterey 12.5.
Jörgen Stahle commented
However – strangely enough – a 'file' reference also works when defined by the script outside the InDesign tell block. So this also works:
set imageFile to POSIX file "/path/to/IMG_2592.jpeg"
--> file "Macintosh HD:path:to:IMG_2592.jpeg"set textFile to POSIX file "/path/to/test.txt"
--> file "Macintosh HD:path:to:test.txt"tell application id "com.adobe.indesign"
tell rectangle 1 of document 1
place imageFile
end tell
tell text frame 1 of document 1
place textFile
end tell
end tell -
Jörgen Stahle commented
The different ways to refer to a file seems to be fever with InDesign on Catalina . Using 'file' directly in the Indesign tell block does nor work for example. But using 'alias' with a HFS-path still works:
tell application id "com.adobe.indesign"
tell rectangle 1 of document 1
place alias "path:to:image.jpeg"
end tell
tell text frame 1 of document 1
place alias "path:to:text.txt"
end tell
end tell -
hvarink commented
Still broken in 15.03. There seem to be several Applescript commands that fails on Catalina, including place, relink and update. Also getting the item link fails:
get item link of graphic 1 of thisBox
--> "nothing" on Catalina
--> returns the item link on MojaveOne workaround for placement seems to be to address the file "as alias" or as «class furl». See Shane Stanleys solution here: option is to use javascript to place them, such as:
tell application "Adobe InDesign 2020"
do script "" & thefiles & "));" language javascriptwhere thefiles is a comma separated list of POSIX file references
Graham commented
Did anyone end up solving this issue?
Gerard commented
I have the same problem + Javascript error 55.
No solution found. -
Jörgen Stahle commented
Confirming the problem. I haven't found any workaround.
Graham commented
I have the same problem. Were you able to resolve the issue?