InDesign 2020 v 15.0.1, Mac OS Catalina, indd/idml legacy layouts within packaged folders, images disappear
InDesign 2020 v 15.0.1, Mac OS Catalina. When opening legacy versions of indd or idml documents within packaged folders, images flash/display briefly, then most if not all, disappear. The only solution seems t be to re-link each graphic individually.

Anonymous commented
Thanks for the suggestion Julie. The problem with the 'Typical Display' change is that Illustrator files show up appearing low resolution. I need to know that everything is loading correctly. So this doesn't work for me. Tech support needs to figure this out.
Julie commented
I too was having this issue. I spoke with tech support at Adobe and this was the fix. Go to "View" select "Display Performance" then select "Typical Display" You should confirm in your preferences that the Display performance also shows it as Typical.
Worked for me hope it helps you as well.
Anonymous commented
I'm also having this issue with all InDesign documents since upgrading to Catalina.
Lisa Scheideler commented
I am having the exact same issue!!
Graziela Machado commented
This issue is happening for me not only with packaged files but with all Indesign files since I have updated my computer to Mac OS Catalina.
I can't export PDFs or package files either. See screenshots attached.
I have been relinking all the images individually every time I open the file and that allows me to see the images but even then sometimes it won't allow me to export PDF or package file.
I have another laptop that hasn't been upgrade to Catalina and the same version of Indesign is working normally. So it is definitely because of the upgrade.
This has been a real inconvenience as I have been working on very large files with hundreds of images needing to be relinked every day. Would really appreciate a response from Adobe.